Tuesday 15 July 2008

ICT at Oakdale

It has been a really exciting last term at Oakdale, as many of you know, we were lucky enough to be chosen to have the Ds consoles this term, which has been fantastic. However, coming along to Subject leaders for me this term has been another real and unexpected highlight, finding out what other schools are doing. As a result, we now have a blog, which is developing all the time, children came to the conference and had their own 'un' conference which resulted in the children knowing how to use the digi blues to animate and could therefore show and teach other children! As well as wanting to bring the Robots back to school!
But it has been the whole ICT experience and the sharing that I have enjoyed so much and has given ICT at Oakdale new ideas and inspirations, so I would like to thank one and all!! if you would like to read more about the Ds project and see a short snippet of the animation work, then please take a look at our blog at: www.oakdalejuniorschool.blogspot.com
Dawn Hallybone

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more I have loved all the sharing we have had and it has inspired me to make greater strides in ICT
